Monday, February 28, 2011

Viva La Juicy owes Peggy & Rudi!

I noticed these Juicy Couture ads for their fragrance, Viva La Juicy and immediately thought of Rudi Gernreich & Peggy Moffitt! The Juicy ad's are very cute and playful but I couldn't help but feel that Peggy and Rudi have been robbed! Which proves once again, everything old is new again!

My one and only Peggy Moffitt modeling Rudi's Japanese School Girl pieces. No one does it like my lovely Peggy! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad someone else noticed that blatant rip off of the fabulous Rudi Gernreich! Nobody does 'broken doll' pose quite as well as Peggy Moffitt.
